Realizing that, actually, the world does revolve around you, in a sense.
Don't look at failure as the opposite of success, but as a resource that can help get you to success.
Understanding the role, function, capabilities, and shortcomings of the Cognizant Mind, and how best to utilize it to your best effect.
A perfectionistic mindset seems like something that will make you a better person, but the opposite is more true.
What we call "Laziness" is actually just a difference in perspective.
Learning to see yourself and observe your own actions (both physical and mental) from a third-person perspective.
The nature of your greatest enemy.
'Logical' and 'Right' do not mean the same thing. Understanding the difference and why it's important.
Laying out the metaphor of "Being in Your Garden" and what it means in practical terms.
Understanding the nature of the lies that most affect us in our life, and how to detect and negate them.
Discussing the validity of statements like "This is my truth" or "That's true for you, but not for me"
Understanding what your Identity Center does, why it exists, and how to work around its very severe limitations.
Sometimes our wants can seem to contradict each other, and understanding how that works and what mechanics are at play is the key to reconciling those differences.
Understanding the role of your emotions, and how to use them to your advantage.